Day 20: a difficult time in your life

Dec 08, 2013 21:28

Though I've had many times in my life that I would call difficult, the absolute worst time in my life was when my favorite uncle, Bud, killed himself. I was 15. He was like another dad to me (he was my dad's brother). He had had a stroke and was having a difficult time recovering. He just got tired of being a "burden" on everyone. One day, he went to take a shower, got partially undressed, but instead put a rifle under his chin and shot. When we got to the house, my aunt (his wife) was washing the bed sheets in the tub. I don't remember if they had already taken him away or not. There's a lot of family drama that no one has really told me about it, because my aunt almost immediately remarried...and the guy was my uncle's boss or coworker or something. It was really hard for me and I still think of him pretty often. I so hate that Zac never got to meet him. They would have had so much fun together.

One other time I have to list is the shooting at VT. That should be obvious as to why it was difficult and I don't want to talk about it presently.

family, suicide, 31 day challenge, life, via ljapp

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