I'm a terrible SPN Fan

Apr 10, 2010 16:26

Between going back to school in September and handing all my work then, then work this semester and trying to handle orgo, calc, physics and spanish, act as treasurer for my fire spinning collective, my new boyfriend and everything else going on in my life, not only have I fallen behind on fic, but I've only seen the first episode of this season of Supernatural. I suck. Every time I sit down to watch or read something else gets in the way and it never works out. Then I feel bad because I want to support my favorite writers as well as one of the best shows EVER. I need to sit down with a couple 5 hours blocks and watch the entire season and experience some brain explodey awesomeness. I do have a long weekend coming up but I have an orgo lab to write that is based on all the work I've done this semester and counts for 1/3 of my lab grade which in turn counts for 1/3 of my orgo grade. I'm gonna need to do that all weekend long to make sure it's totally perfect. I need another 24 hours per day so I can handle everything in my life each week. I just want to watch SPN and read awesome fanfic! Sorry to all my favorite authors out there that haven't gotten feedback from me in forever, and to all those who I haven't had a chance to read. I will hopefully be able to read and comment soon as well as catch up on what I assume is an AMAZING season of Supernatural. Much love to everyone in the fandom, especially those of you that take the time to write amazing stories for my (and everybody else's) entertainment and the very few of you who read my very rare posts.

Love and light to all of you.
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