On the Head of a Pin

Mar 29, 2009 16:58

I didn't get to watch the episode cause I was on vaca but I downloaded it the Saturday after it aired and watched it the next morning while my friend was asleep. She just started watching the first season last week with me while we were away. Now she's just as addicted as I am and we're planning days where she can come visit me and we can just watch episode after episode. Anyway, back to the episode...oh my god!

Ahhh the angels! I can't even begin to discuss what I think about them. I was almost waiting for the Cas thing, you could see him start to slip but I didn't think anything would actually happen. Anna's back! I love her character because she's so real. She questioned things and she is like Cas may be in the future. I find her to be far more just than the other angels because she allows herself to think and question and see the truth about Heaven and the angels. Plus she kicked ass in this episode, she was everything I wanted her to be, especially when she helped Cas.

I knew it was Uriel once I found out the demons weren't behind the killings. He always seemed a little unstable and like he was on the edge of evil. But I didn't think he killed the angels because he has a plan to help Lucifer, he's basically a fallen and it scared the crap out of me...until Cas killed him that is.

And then there's Dean. Dean just about broke my heart in this episode, especially in the hospital scene. I don't even know what to say. He's so much more broken than I ever imagined. I mean I knew he would be different since he had been in hell but I didn't expect this. First we find out he enjoyed torturing souls, and there's all the drama with Sam that has been killing him, and now he was forced to torture Alistair and drag up a part of him that he hates. This can't lead to anything good. And on top of that he just found out that he started the breaking of the seals and he's the only one who can end it. I'm sorry, what?! And he doesn't want to/can't be that guy?! I don't even know what to think at this point. I know Cas said that the man who starts it has to be the one to end it, but maybe Sam could take his place?

But maybe not because of what Sam is becoming! When Sam told Ruby he needed it and then she kissed him I thought they were gonna have sex but then I was totally floored by the demon blood thing. Bad bad Sammy! He's not making great decisions right now, Pamela was right. His heart may be in the right place but after everything Alistair revealed to Dean it's clear that Sam' attempts are misguided at best. And yes I know he already had demon blood in him but now he's just drinking it to become stronger? What is he going to become a demon now? I know why he's doing what he's doing but I can't say that I'm happy about it. And if they end this thing and kill Lilith and stop the apocalypse what is going to happen to Sam? He'll still have demon blood in him, a lot more than he had before, and you'd think that it would eventually start to change him for the worse. I'm scared for him. And Cas seemed pretty damn scared when he saw Sam kill Alistair, he seemed more scared of Sam than of Alistair. Not good. But let me just say Sam killed Alistair, Sam killed Alistair!

And then there's Ruby with little smirk as Sam drank...I have a feeling that she's hiding something, possibly something really big.

I need to go watch this like 5 more times! So fucking good! But for now I'm off to watch It's A Terrible Life. My thoughts on that will come later.

supernatural, spn episode, 4x16

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