My (not-so)little pro gay rant

Mar 25, 2011 03:09

Ok so this isn't written towards anyone on here and it wasn't even written to be posted on LJ but here it is anyway. I wrote it in response to Victoria Jackson's comment about Glee's kiss between Kurt and Blaine being "sickening"/ this person's response in the comment section of the article someone wrote in response to Jackson about homosexuals going to hell because God will never condone it. I know anyone on here who reads this will be cool with it because all of my LJ friends write slash and CLEARLY don't have an issue with gay encounters of the best possible kind. I'm not sure if it posted on the site and I really needed to get it out somewhere so here it is:

"I'm Jewish so I know more about the Torah than the Bible but I'll say this none the less. I would just like to point out that at no point does the Bible EVER explicitly say you can't be gay. It condemns adulterers, murderers and individuals who are essentially scumbags. The whole idea that the Bible says you can't be gay is an interpretation made by a group of homophobic religious leaders, and I'm sure there are many other possible interpretations of the lessons that are supposed to be learned from those passages. On top of that, the Bible has been translated many many times and there are many translations and they don't all say the same thing. I'm not attacking your religion I'm simply stating that citing the Bible as a reason that homosexuality is wrong is untrue. It speaks of the need for consensual relationships, well if two men or two women want to be in a safe consensual and loving relationship, LET THEM.

I'd also like to say that you can't pick and choose which passages to listen to and obey based on prejudice or because they seem more reasonable to you.

MARK 12:18-27 basically says:If a man dies childless, his widow is ordered by biblical law to have intercourse with each of his brothers in turn until she bears her deceased husband a male heir.

how many people do you know who do this? What happens if a woman can't have kids, is she just supposed to be passed around from brother to brother and keep trying? And what if the brothers are married? Then technically they're adulterers and should be stoned to death. Don't pick and choose what to believe in and call it moral, while calling their behavior immoral. Again, this is just my opinion about the notion of using the Bible to condemn anyone and I'm not attacking you. But honestly, who are you to judge anyone else's life style?"

Also, I love all genders and sexual orientations. i have straight, gay and lesbian friends. Friends who are transgender, bisexual, hetero-flexible, gender queer, gender neutral, anything under the sun; you name it and I probably have a friend who considers themselves to fall into that category. I myself am bisexual and proud of it! I'm attracted  men and women, and while I have only been in relationships with men, I've also only ever had one real relationship, but that doesn't mean that I wouldn't date a woman.

I'm sick and tired of hearing people spew their religious bullshit saying that all homosexuals are going to hell, and honestly, if they are, I want to go with them because I'm damn sure all of my friends are going there anyway. I don't come up to your front door or walk around in your city trying to force my bisexuality down your throat so don't come and shove your religion down mine. Keep it to yourselves and keep it in the church or else get away from me.

I'm lucky enough to have grown up in of one of the first states to legalize (and keep legal) same sex marriage. In fact, in the state of CT as of 2010 all same sex civil unions were legally converted to marriages and the term civil union no longer exists. EVERYONE is entitled to a marriage, which, in my opinion, is a legal institution, not a religious one. I am a supporter of gay marriage and equal rights I do so in the appropriate setting such as signing petitions and writing letters to government officials. I know that I'm rambling about my beliefs right now, but you don't have to read this and in fact it's unlikely that anyone will. In case you are reading, I ask that you respond with your own feelings if you have any. Not only does it make me feel like there's someone 'listening', but also it makes me feel like there's some awesome people out there who care to read this.

I would like to leave you with this quote, just in case you've made it through the entire thing and actually stuck with me; "So, let me get this straight, Charlie Sheen can make a "porn family", Kelsey Grammar can end a 15 year marriage over the phone, Larry King can be on divorce #9, Britney Spears had a 55 hour marriage, Jesse James and Tiger Woods, while married, were having sex with EVERYONE. Yet, the idea of same-sex marriage is going to destroy the institution of marriage? Really?"


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