Jun 30, 2005 21:38

DAY 1, Friday

The Hell City Booth

Sweet temp. neck tatties...

Just wait till you see how far they take this....

My boyfriend looks like he is playing with his taco

Kevin & his turkey

A very satisfied customer

I miss my baby so much... he is out of town this week... I can't wait to pick him up from the airport on sunday!!!

Matty G, Me, & Chris Sablone hard at work...

DAY 2, Saturday

Pulling the Devil's tail

Since when is the Devil afraid of a dog... What happend to the hounds of hell?

So in between this photo & the next there was a "micro burst" (according to the blade)
To make a long story short we had 50 mile an hour winds and tons of rain come & destroy everything we had in our booth. Rain coming from every direction, It was like being on a boat in a hurricane. So that is why we were all wet, so what do you do when your soaked to the bone & everything you have is ruined... You get wasted....

Chris (the blade) Sablone makes out with dogs.


I saved Frankie.

Then Chris got naked... Balls out!

Then Matty G put on a Hell City thong, we are selling it on ebay if anyone is intrested.

What could be better than a bike ride in your panties?

Some how they picked up some chicks


The lovely Cynthia (on the right) and her friend!

They even pee together.

There is no day 3 because we packed all of our drestoyed merch. up sunday morning & got outta there.... All in all probably the best comfest i have ever been to..
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