Buttbutt and the VECC

Jan 13, 2011 10:34

Updates posted on FB, where mostly everyone has been immensely supportive:

Tuesday morning: The 14 year old siamese love of my life has renal failure and is at the emergency clinic for ~3 days. I just got a call that her bloodwork is otherwise good and they're getting lots of fluids into her. This will set me back even further financially, but what's another $2500 debt in the face of a cat who's been there for me through everything?

Tuesday night: Stopped by the VECC on the way home to visit B, and ended up staying for 2 hours. She fell asleep on my lap for over an hour, then the overnight vet came in to talk about her. She hadn't eaten or peed yet, but that wasn't unexpected. But THEN! about half an hour later! She got really agitated and wanted off my lap, so I let her jump down and SHE PEED! On their rug!

Wednesday morning: In B news: her electrolytes are still way off & they're still working on hydration & giving her antibiotics. Not sure if it's all chronic RF or partly acute, so there's a possibility she could regain some kidney function. Had to give them more money today, which meant using my credit card, which meant calling to activate it since it's been so long since I used it :P

As of this morning, she's on an appetite stimulant and ate a little more food on her own, and is maintaining her temperature without a heating pad. I like to think she's responding well to the antibiotics, although it's impossible to say if her recovery is at all related to that or if it's mainly the IV fluids that are helping. IF the antibiotics are helping, it would mean that at least part of her RF is acute, which is better than chronic because some function could be regained. Cat kidneys are stupidly efficient, right up until they're too damaged to keep up. The vet yesterday was saying that bloodwork often doesn't even detect RF until they've lost 70-80% functionality.

At any rate, I love this little cat like mad and cannot wait to bring her home! We'll need to do subcutaneous fluids, get regular bloodwork, and feed her a special diet, but that is so so so so worth it!

cats, love, buttbutt

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