Presidential Election

Mar 23, 2004 19:17

Alright gang...I need your help. For those of you who haven't already checked my profile, I host a number of radio and television programs here in Reading, PA. I'm in the process of planning a program profiling the upcoming presidential election. Specifically, I'm looking for honest, well-thought-out opinions about George W. Bush and John Kerry. I'd also be interested in your views on Ralph Nader as a third party candidate...whether you think he can get on the ballot in all 50 states...and if so...what impact he might have on the election. When it comes to GWB, I think there's very little gray area in terms of peoples opinions...they either love him or they flat out despise him. Kerry seems to have a nice following...but is it enough to get him over the hump against Bush. Some experts suggest that Nader was the reason Gore lost in 2000...or was it hanging chads in Florida?? What do you think? Whether you post anonymously or using your LiveJournal username, I'd appreciate if you would provide your home state and age. Thanks in advance for assisting me in my research. Spread the word.
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