whats going on...

Feb 09, 2004 01:08

umm...well yea. today i did something that i have wanted to do for awhile, i just didnt know it till i did it. i really messed up with a lot of people that were really close to me for awhile. jaime, i love you and i hope that one day you can find it in your heart to forgive me, till then i will still be here for you i promise. i talked to jason today. i was really stupid about that whole situation. i want nothing more then for jason and i to be freinds again too, but i see that as being further off down the road. i really do know how to mess things up!

today i had to cheer at a basketball game. omg...there was nobody there! it was cool though. after the game i went to lonestar with my dad and brother and tried to talk to jaime and jason more. after that i talked to josh for awhile. yea he is hott!!! supposedly we are gonna chill sometime soon, we'll see! tomrrow i work 11-7 yea!! so much randomness...duke is at his frat house, drunk as whatever.

ohh yea...i would like to take this time to share with people that my journal is exactly that MINE!!! nowhere have i said that it is okay for someone to go run back to her mommy and tell her, or let her read what i have written about. we are what in elementry school again. and further more it would be different if we were friends, but we arent...i dont think you have to many friends where you think you do, and you cant make friends by reading their journal and then thinking you know everything about them, cuz you dont!! so as a word of advice...get your own life and stay out of ours!! thanks your great!!! <3 kel
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