Potato and hot stuffs!

Dec 16, 2007 15:49

Stock : 4 leftover potatoes, 3 eggs, 1 packet puff beancurd.
problem : won't be in town soon for 10 days
mood : indonesian dish

Presenting  "perkedel daging" (indonesian potato and beef perkedel, taste a bit like croquette)....

Ingredients :
salt , gound pepper, nutmeg, coriander
garlic, shallot
minced beef
cooking oil

directions :
1. boil potatoes until they are soft enough to be mashed. Meanwhile chop parsley leaves, shallot and garlic finely.
2. preheat wok with a bit of cooking oil, add shallot and garlic. Saute until they are soft and add in minced beef inside. Stir until the beef turns colour and add a bit of salt and pepper. Mixed lightly and cool it.
3. Mash potatoes, add in parsley, nutmeg, coriander, salt, pepper and egg yolk. Mixed them nicely and add in minced beef in the end. Mix all ingredients.
4. Form into balls and flatten a bit.
5. preheat wok and use more oil for deep frying. Beat white egg till bubble is performed.
6. Dip potato balls into the white egg and fry them until golden brown

Don't ask me about the measurement cos I always use estimation.
The generous me dumped the whole lot of minced beef so the perkedel taste more beef-y .
Note to myself to use less beef in the future.

Notice the bottle on the left of the plate?
It's chili sauce from indonesia. No .. not belacan taste but it is belacan type of chili sauce (or sambal).
This is the type of sambal that you can eat with those mixed dished from economical rice stalls.

Speaking of chili sauce, here are my holy grails.... give them to me anytime.

L - R
Kokita Sambal Bajak, Dua Belibis, Nando's Extra hot peri-peri sauce

I have described Sambal Bajak above. Here are the other two.
Dua Belibis is very much like normal chili sauce, the one that you have it with KFC, Burger Kings, etc.
However this has the right sweetness, hotness. C'est parfait!
I have never turned back to other chili sauce since then.
Nando's Extra hot peri-peri sauce is kind of hot and sour which leave the tingling sensation.
This is just right for chicken BBQ or stir fried.

Both Sambal Bajak and Dua Belibis are obviously from Indonesia, I always fill in my luggage with a year stock of them.
Nando's is a bit tricky. I can get it only in its restaurant in Jakarta else I always restock it from Aussie which can be easily found in Coles.
Just flew in 5 bottles of xtrahot peri-peri sauce and 2 bottles of Nando's Marinade.

Nando's Hot Peri-Peri Marinade on the left.

Don't worry by the 'hot' sign there.
The Peri-peri marinade is far from hot. Actually no hotness is detected at all.
Just marinade beef/chicken/prawn, leave it overnight and stir fry them.
I have tried beef and chicken, however am not fond of beef one for sure.
I am left with 3 bottles of Xtra hot peri-peri sauce and 1 bottle of peri-peri marinade
So, anyone who has access to them, please let me know .. hehe..

Potato and eggs are taken care of.
And I have puff beancurd to take care now


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