FIC and Holiday Wrap-Up

Dec 28, 2016 10:32

I hope everyone who was/is celebrating this month is having or has had a wonderful time of it!

My Christmas celebrations, spread out over four days, went very well. I got to spend time with just about everyone in my family, which was nice, and there was no shortage of food. A personal highlight for me was going to my mother-in-law's for lunch. She dragged my son off and when he came back he looked like this:

He'd never have done that for me, but his grandmother can get him to do anything. LOL! Most of the other pics I have of my boy from the holiday festivities feature his usual stone-faced expression, which he gets from his father. Because why would he want anyone to know he's having a good time? Kids.

Went to see Star Wars: Rogue One last night. It was awesome. And heart-breaking. It was similar to my experience going to see Titanic all those years ago. "Maybe they won't hit the iceberg this time!" ::shakes head:: Ah, well. One of the things that made me the most excited? Lady X-Wing pilots! Woo! And then of course I got the news about Carrie Fisher. Can we please not lose anyone else now? Please?

Okay, on to happier things. Like wishing a belated Happy Birthday to annieb1955! I hope you had a great birthday!

Also, I have fic! Not a lot of fic, because the muse has been flighty and RL has been crazy. But I did manage to get two of my three holiday fics finished and posted. Still working on the third. Ideally I'd get that done before the New Year, but probably not. So here's the latest:

Title: In the Thick of It (sga_secretsanta exchange fic)
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Characters: OFC, Amelia, John, Rodney, Caldwell, assorted extras
Pairing: pre-OFC/Amelia if you squint
Warnings: none

Summary: Atlantis has a way of welcoming newbies with a trial by fire, and Nora is no different. Does she have what it takes to help save the day?

Title: I'll Be Home For Christmas
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Pairing: McShep
Characters: John, Rodney, Ronon, Teyla
Warnings: non-consensual drug use, inappropriate Christmas lyrics

Summary: John's feeling no pain, thanks to the drugs his captors have him on, but he's still missing Rodney. And all he wants is to get home for Christmas.

Title: The Spirit Will Come To You
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Pairing: pre-Stucky
Characters: Bucky, Steve, Sam, Tony, Becca, Winnie
Warnings: lots of feels, angst, and a touch of non-graphic violence

Summary: In which Bucky has to decide what to do with his life now, and he gets some help from people he knew in the past...Christmas Carol style.

about me, christmas, sga, star wars, birthday greetings, fic, mcu

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