FIC: Updates, Prompt Fills, and more of the Usual

May 09, 2016 15:03

You know, it shouldn't be that hard to commit to a weekly post of fic links. Why can't I do it? ::shakes head::

So, I had to drop out of intoabar. I don't feel good about it, but the fic was...not my best effort. I'm not giving up on it, but I honestly don't know how to fix it at this point.

But I have bigger fish to fry. Namely finishing my sentinelbigbang. I've literally had forever to work on it, because of a lengthy extension on the original due date. But it seems that once again I'll be racing for the finish and hopefully skidding in just under the wire. I really need to stop signing up for challenges.

There's also a self-imposed deadline of tomorrow (which I will fail at meeting, just FYI) to finish a gift fic that I started for my friend's birthday last year. ::sighs::

Anyway, enough whining. Without further ado, I give you my latest batch of fic:

Title: Sick Day
Fandom: Supernatural
Characters: wee!chesters (Sam, Dean)
Warnings: First time writing in this fandom, and it's full of pre-teen angst

Prompt: One brother taking care of the other brother when they are sick.

Title: Fraternization
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Pairing: McShep
Characters: John, Rodney, Lorne
Warnings: Emotional constipation

Prompt: Rodney finds out John wants him off their team - but it's not because he doesn't want him there, but rather because they're dating now

Title: It Has To Be Perfect
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Series: Audrey the Wraith
Characters: Audrey, Madison, Jeannie, Kaleb, John, Rodney, Miko
Pairing: McShep
Warnings: Impossible Christmas fluff, some Wraith self-image angst

Prompt: Madison wants to get her cousin the perfect Christmas present.

Title: Monkeying Around
Fandom: Hawaii Five-0
Pairing: McDanno
Characters: Steve, Danny, Grace
Warnings: crack-tastic

Prompt: Danny always calls Grace "Monkey" - but she accidentally gets turned into one!

Title: Making Arrangements
Fandom: MCU
Pairing: Stucky
Characters: Steve, Bucky
Warnings: the usual emotional stuff

Prompt: Steve is a florist, and his best friend Bucky is his best customer. (In which the writer fails completely at writing crack.)

Title: Time for a Change
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Series: That McShep Boy
Pairing: McShep
Characters: John, Rodney, AJ, Teyla, Carson
Warnings: family fluff

Prompt: "Disposable diapers are the best invention ever." (In which Rodney is having a difficult time adjusting to fatherhood, and John realizes exactly what he wants.)

Title: Audrey Abroad
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Series: Audrey the Wraith
Pairing: McShep
Characters: John, Rodney, Audrey, Madison, Sam Carter
Warnings: More Wraith self-image issues

Prompt: Taking their child to Earth for his/her first Earthside vacation

Title: Surf's Up
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Pairing: McShep
Characters: John, Rodney
Warnings: fluffy schmoop

Prompt: Summertime surfing (In which three little words are said for the first time.)

Title: Soul Fingers
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Pairing: McShep
Characters: John, Rodney, unnamed Teyla
Warnings: probably the start of a new series

Prompt: Musician AU (In which John makes a well-timed visit to The Blue Lily, and gets to hear some piano playing that just might change his life.)

Title: Whatever Won't Poison Me
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Characters: John, Rodney, Teyla, Ford
Warnings: vague hints at pre-slash, Ford feels

Prompt: "My favorite food is whatever won't poison me, thanks." (In which the team spends some unexpected down time reminiscing abut their favorite foodstuff.)

sga, whining, hawaii five-0, sentinel, intoabar, spn, mcu, fic

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