OTP Meme

Aug 14, 2015 15:13

Swiped from popkin16, who did an great job applying McShep to this meme. Check it out here!

Since SGA has been handled so adeptly, I’m going to take a stab at this with Jim and Blair from The Sentinel. Here we go!

Which one hogs the blankets?
Which one cuts the other’s hair?
Which one makes coffee for the other one every morning?
Which one picks up the pizza?
Which one likes their music on full volume?
Which one complains about the crumbs on the bed?
Which one is ticklish?
Which one sings and which one plays the music?
Which one proposes?

Which one hogs the blankets?
Blair. He’s always cold. He layers his clothes, though probably not nearly as much in canon as he does in fic. ::grins:: He’d be better suited to a warmer climate than Seattle but where Jim goeth there goeth Blair. Besides, it’s an excellent excuse for cuddles.

Which one cuts the other’s hair?
Blair cuts Jim’s hair. Not a lot of skill needed there, since Jim keeps it pretty short. Jim teases Blair a lot about cutting all those curls but he’d never follow through because he not-so-secretly loves them. When they’re in bed together Jim can’t stop playing with Blair’s hair, wrapping his fingers in the soft curls. Yeah, it’s definitely a thing.

Which one makes coffee for the other one every morning?
Jim is up at the crack of dawn. You can take the man out of the military, but he still likes to get up early. Blair, being an overworked college student/police consultant/Guide takes any opportunity to sleep in. Jim will make coffee and when it’s his turn to make breakfast - and a lot of the time when it isn't - he’ll have it all laid out by the time Blair stumbles down the stairs. He never feels quite generous enough to fix the algae shakes Blair sometimes drinks, though.

Which one picks up the pizza?
Neither one. After the events of Blind Man’s Bluff they both lost their taste for pizza. Too many bad memories attached to it now. They’re not opposed to other types of take-out, though, and on the days they’re working together they’ll stop on the way home.

Which one likes their music on full volume?
Blair. When he’s listening to aboriginal music he wants to feel it, speakers turned up so the tribal drums make his bones vibrate. With Jim’s sensitive hearing he doesn’t need to mess with volume, and if Blair wants to rock out when he’s home he’ll just dial down. Jim loves Blair, but tribal music is never going to be his thing. Santana, on the other hand…

Which one complains about the crumbs on the bed?
Ha! Under normal circumstances Jim doesn’t allow food anywhere near the bedroom. He’s very fastidious, even before his senses came online. Before they became a couple Blair would often eat in his room while he was studying or grading papers, but now he has to do that downstairs in the kitchen or the office that they turned his old bedroom into. Crumbs don’t stand a chance in Jim Ellison’s bed.

Which one is ticklish?
Both, but if Jim has touch dialed up he can be ridiculously ticklish. Especially his feet, which is just another reason for those thick white socks. ::grins:: He doesn’t let himself go like that too often, though. The skin over Blair’s ribs can be very ticklish, which one time really ruined the mood when he and Jim were having sexytimes. Jim has since learned how much pressure to apply with his hands to keep from tickling.

Which one sings and which one plays the music?
Blair does both. He plays the guitar that Naomi gave him, which was supposedly given to her by Jimi Hendrix, and he loves to sing. Jim is much more reserved, but sometimes Blair will catch him singing along quietly to songs he likes.

Which one proposes?
This is all Blair, who thrives on living in the moment. There’d be no planning, no fancy dinner or anything like that. He’d be all, “Hey. Let’s get married. No, here’s why it makes perfect sense!” Jim, who has one failed marriage under his belt already, would be very hesitant about taking that step. He’d have to weigh all the pros and cons. But Blair’s enthusiasm and unconditional love would win him over, and give him the hope that this time he could be really happy.

otp, meme, sentinel

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