I'm so happy to report that I've finally started posting Lovesong, a Sentinel fic that's been living on my flash drive for a very, very long time waiting to be finished. Which it now (almost) is - just the last chapter to finish.
I love this fic so much! And I'm excited to finally get to be able to share it. Here's the details:
LovesongFandom: The Sentinel
Pairing: Jim/Blair
Warnings: Some minor casefic violence
Summary: Jim Ellison is having a rough go of things. Assigned to desk duty because his senses are out of whack, he investigates a cold case - the murder of a Rainier professor. Blair Sandburg, a young teacher whose dreams have been sidelined by a physical disability, finds a new purpose in his life when he meets Jim. Can they solve the case and overcome the obstacles that stand in the way of what could be a great partnership?