Oct 21, 2004 11:39
I love how human emotions are universal.
I love how we all, in some way feel the same things and live the same experiences, just maybe with slightly different circumstances. I love how the situations that people go through, other people can relate to them almost identically. I love how you can express in words a feeling that another person can understand to be their own at some point in his or her life. I love how this interrelatedness can create dialog and empathy and understanding.
The concept of empathy is so interesting to me. It’s so much more than, “Oh, I understand.” But when you can truly empathize you really do feel what they are feeling, because you’ve felt it before or you feel it now. It’s the difference between knowing something because someone told you can knowing something because you’ve seen it for yourself. The level of understanding that goes along with that is incomprehensible.
It’s incomprehensible how each and every person is so different and yet so similar. The genetic differences between any two people are fractions of a percent. But fractions of millions is still a lot. And the differences we see are enormous. Yet still we’re all so similar. We all work the same way and are built the same way. But even our conscious experiences share this collectiveness. Given, that no two people can have any two experiences or even perceptions in completely identical ways, but when you think about it they are so close that it’s scary. It’s scary how our conscious experiences can be so similar to any other person’s. That other people can truly understand what we think and feel, as if it was them, because they have thought and felt things almost identical to ours. It’s so strange that with all the differences, there’s still so much that’s the same.
Human nature is incredible. It never ceases to amaze me. From the most basic level of evolution where eukaryotic cells formed from prokaryotic cells, to the evolution of the higher brain, consciousness, and sociality of humans that gives us the ability to understand and realate to each other.
We are truly amazing creatures.