Think about it...

May 08, 2003 07:29

Hi guys
I have two things to update....First I have a new batch of icons coming. They are all xtina and will probably be put over at dirrty_icons.
Im real excited to get them finished and put them up because they are the first icons with text I have made in a long time!!
If they go over well, maybe Ill try this style with some other types of icons.
So keep checking for an update tomorrow on when I have posted them.

Ok, on to the Second thing I wanted to talk about.
Remember awhile ago when I pimped out the role playing community I am a member of? Well Im doing it again, lol. I am figuring with all the friends I have listed someone has to like rping, or wants to try it out at least, right?
Well, its really fun and active. Alot of characters are in use, but there are plenty left to choose from.
To anyone who wants to join after_celebrity Ill supply a code, layout and icons!!! Pretty sweet deal, eh? hahaha

Also if you join as Matthew McConaughey I will love you forever and make you tons of icons and layouts anytime you want them!!!!!

If you are interested
Alright, thinking about joining? You will need these links Just remember to tell them that simply_kate sent you (I play kate hudson)
(this is the main community, look around check out the other communites that have to do with after'll see its a fun place.)
(this is where you need to go to see the rules and join...there are step by step instructions there)
(cant think of anyone you want to be? there are journals up for adoption, you can take over a role and be supplied a code!)
aftercelebrity online
(The after celebrity website, great info there)

IF you have any questions IM me at aim:beautfulmistakes ----no i in beautful :)
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