Molly had had a long week and now she couldn't sleep. Lying on her bed, staring at the wall, she clutched the necklace Karal had given her and thought about how tired this week had made her. Not that it had been incredibly busy or anything. Even spending a day with pumpkin for hair hadn't phased her too much. It was five days of ignoring how left behind she felt that was getting to her.
She'd wanted to scream about it on Monday, but talking to people at Chilly Boulder had done well to quash that desire. Karal had done the right thing and gotten called home for it. How could she say that she wanted a different outcome when the one he'd gotten had been the best for Karal's world? That would just be selfish.
And why should it be so much worse this time than when Ray left or when she and Cam broke up? She'd survived those, she would survive this. And she'd broken up with Blair. Where was the abandonment there?
It had started with that first relationship though; both of them seemingly more interested in the idea of dating than of actually doing it. Prom had been the eye-opener for her. Blair had spent more time with his friends than he had with her. Not that it had upset her until she thought about it later, but it had been a bit disconcerting to turn around and find your date gone without a word. Then Cam who had moved on so easily after telling her he didn't know if he'd ever be ready for a serious relationship. And Ray who Molly had known so little about because she suspected part of him had never fully come to Fandom in the first place; he had had to leave for more mundane reasons than Karal, but left he had.
And now there was Karal who may or may not be gone for good. Karal who, if he was gone for good, would come back to get his horse, but not her. Because his duty came first and, like she told several people, she knew that. She knew that from the first day they'd kissed. She understood and accepted it because it meant she could be with him now. It didn't matter that she knew it was coming; getting left still hurt.
But, she'd made it through the week without wallowing in self-pity. It had taken a lot of sugar, a lot of sleep and a lot of determination to keep up with her normal routine, and more, but she had done it. And now it was Friday evening and she could wallow until Monday when Dawn would come and force her to deal with whatever the situation was.
The thought of Monday coming with still no Karal was enough to finally make her cry again -- something she hadn't done since last Monday. And just like last time, she worked herself up enough to finally cry herself to sleep.
[[OOC: Post is for Karal. Woe the emo! I am so sorry.]]