Another boring day at work. 15 hours is a long fucking time to basically twiddle your thumbs.
I remade my Friends Only post. It blinks and is pretty.
I was actually pretty angry to start the day off. I forgot my belt, which made me nuerotic about my pants falling down all day long. And then I couldn't buy my transpass (which is essential to get
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They haven't been dating for a few years. He was living with her when we met. Apparently, since he never brought his other girlfriends home, she thought they were still together but not having sex or something.
Then when he met me and we got together, I lived across the street, so it was kind of hard for her not to notice. We tried not being obvious around her to save her feelings but a few nights drinking with her pretty much killed that.
They both moved out of that house, he moved in with me, her with her parents. Her parents are both really sick and probably going to die soon. And Jeff is pretty much the only worthwhile friend she has. The other people she knows are users and assholes. I felt bad for her, because she thought she was going to end up living with Jeff forever or something, and she has no one she can depend on because now she is taking care of her parents and such.
They were fighting a while back because this other kid was telling her lies about Jeff and I. About how even tho he owed her back rent from when they lived together that he was buying me tons of really expensive Hello Kitty stuff and how he and I were always making fun of her behind her back. This was of course not true. Jeff got really distraught over it because it was a lie and he didn't want to hurt her feelings. I felt bad because I honestly like her as a person even tho she acted kinda of crazy jealous once she found out about us.
So I told him it was ok for them to stay friends and hang out but the issue comes up in the fact that when he hangs out with her, I cannot be there. This really gets to me sometimes because I am pretty neurotic and paranoid because a lot of guys I've been with have cheated on me.
To offset this, Jeff doesn't get mad about the fact that I still hang out with a lot of people I slept with during my crazy party girl stage. Or that during HS a lot of my friends and I hooked up because we were a bunch of horny teens. But I never go to hang out with them without him, which makes this a little unfair.
All in all it's a complicated situation and I just try to be the better person by not freaking out over little things, when I know my husband loves me and would never cheat on me.
I'm not gonna lie, it really irks me sometimes too. But part of being in a relationship is compromise and it doesn't happen a lot.
But.. a bigger part of a relationship is the fact that he is your husband and he should respect your feelings, and should know it rubs you the wrong way.
My fiance's ex Libby moved to Maine or something a while back, and when he and I got together, they were still writing.
I told him to NEVER do it again. And frankly... I'm so much more important than anyone he could ever want to hang out with. And more modest.
But seriously. I had guys do that... Just hang out with exes, and then they'd cheat on me. It just... ugh.
Matthew would NEVER do anything that I wasn't happy with, let alone tell me I CAN'T be there. That's just fucking wrong. That woman needs to get a fucking life and realize that he's fucking married and leave him alone.
She's old too, like over 30.
He never tells me that I can't be there, but that is because he and I never tell each other what to do under any circumstances. We feel that is unfair. If something bothers us, we talk about ti and we come to a conclusion that we both can deal with, but if I tried to tell him " You are never allowed to talk to her again, EVER." He would get pretty pissed. We both have a hard time with people telling us what to do.
And like I said, a few of my closest friends are guys that I once dated or fucked, so he has to deal with a similar situation from me.
Thanks for you support tho! It's nice to know that I'm not just being a crazy jealous paranoid nutball.
Lol. Neither of us have close friends except one mutual one.. His best friend. Who when Matthew and I started dating, I had a crush on and totally had phone sex with him.
But I told Matthew a few years after. And we've all gotten over it.
I would never be alone with nor would Matthew want me to be alone with his best friend. And I love that.
In all honesty, I love knowing that he loves me so much he doesn't want anyone else to have me. And frankly... It sounds controlling of me.... But he's only the way he is because of me. That sounds stupid.
I cheated on every boy and girl I ever dated. And once it hit the like... 6mo point in our relationship, I never cheated on Matthew either. Nothing physical before then, but I did have phone sex with his best friend like I said. Ugh.
I don't know. It sounds like we have an insecure relationship when I write it out.
But we've been together almost 3.5 years and frankly.. we know eachother and nothing could ever come between us. I love him more than anything and he's the ONLY person I'd ever take a bullet for. His car wouldn't stop the other day and I almost told him to jump out.... :\ But I got it stopped. He told me he wouldn't've anyway, and I know. But I would have made him. I would rather me get hurt than him... :\
Oh man I love him. I feel like I tell him what to do, but I did in the beginning I guess... so I don't now... But he knows how I feel about everything and would never do ANYTHING to hurt me.
Sorry for ranting on and on lmfao.
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