May 29, 2005 22:17
Just a little warning to you folks (:
Im going to have a personal demonstration if I see any more drama over viva-la-fcut or anymore drama on LJ. I will stand here with my axe and start a picket line across my friends page if I see ONE MORE BIT ABOUT FRIENDS CUT DRAMA or drama just to "liven things up" which annoys other people.
I know livejournal isn't livejournal without the Drama queens who have supposedly "matured" enough to turn on a computer but in actual fact haven't got a brain cell to share between them =)
Please don't rise to the temptation.
♥ to everyone.
and now i seriously will stop stalking my fpage.
edit -- and this can be public.
e2-- Joanie: (psst..have to get off the poop subject)
LMAO xDD you have no idea how true that is (: