2011: Goodbye

Dec 31, 2011 22:16

It's been a hell of a year. It's had it's ups and downs. I've done so much that I haven't written down that I wish I had had time to write down.

At the start of this year I was in London working for Impossible Pictures. I was at the premiere of my short film at the Glasgow Film Festival. I was finishing up with Second Light and GMAC. That took me to many things:
- Working on Cloud Atlas as a runner for a couple of days
- Working for the entire Glasgow shoot of The Pursuit as a runner in the AD department - which I'll also get an official credit for. (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1738351/)
- Being on a feature film development scheme with Playwrights Studio Scotland and Bingers Labs Amsterdam. I'm working with Olivia Stewart who produced Velvet Goldmine one of my favourite films ever.
- Going on the first residential for my feature development thing. Sitting talking to the editor of Melancholia in a fancy hotel famous for it's golf course, looking out at the golf course and golf buggies and thinking 'this is so fucking surreal'.
- At the same residential telling the producer of one of my favourite films about my glam rock phase inspired by the film she produced. Then being excited by the fact that she's the person that will be helping me develop my first feature.
- Having that first discussion with Olivia and sitting crying and talking about stories and life and how it will all lead to an amazing film.
- Meeting lots of amazing people. So many people this year that I've met that I really hope I stay in touch with.
- Various events - awards things, parties and so on. I can't even remember a lot of it.

Speaking of people:
A lot of people I've not spent as much time with as I hoped I could have. I'll try and change that in 2012.

- OMC. I miss you all terribly. I know I've been awful with being online but I will do my best to do better. Not a day goes by when I don't think about you guys. When I'm not doing something random and think 'God, Kev would smack me upside the head' or 'I need a hug from Bunny' or something else.
- Kev. I love you and miss you. It makes me so sad we haven't had a chance to speak so much this year. But I've been reading your LJ and keeping up to date. Maybe 2012 will be the year we finally meet up? I hope so. You'll forever be the Lucas to my Haley.
- Lissy. Film school buddy! I'm so proud of you for all you're doing. I'm so excited about your grad film and I know that it's going to be amazing. I wish I could come out and work on it for you. If I had the cash to afford flight and accomodation I would be with you in a heartbeat. <3
- Becca. I don't even know what crazy stuff you get up to half the time! But I'm following you on tumblr so hopefully I'll be able to keep more up to date. I do know that you're rocking at whatever you do. Love you beautiful girl.
- Bunny. Aww, my lovely lovely bunny. I miss all my hugs and you falling asleep on me. My goal is to get you some lovely goodies posted to you in the first couple of months! Keep you all sugared up. I need an update on what you're up to!
- Tiffy. I hope grad school is going well, I'll probably be needing your services to untangle my brain! hahaha. I'm so proud of the person you've become. I remember Tiffy from years ago and nobody could ever guess that you were that person. You're strong, you're confident and you've got such a beautiful soul. <3
- Kat. Are you still all the way at the other side of the world?! I miss you terribly! <3
- Kel. Where are you?! Hope your holidays have been good. Love you <3
- Sue-Shine. The sunshine in my life. We've grown closer on so many levels this year. I find it hard to really let people in to the deep stuff and I feel like I have let you in on some of that this year. I'm so glad you've opened up a lot more with me as well. I know we'll always have each others backs and whatever happens with life you'll be a constant in some way.
- Vilte. We weren't so close at the start of the year. You have no idea how pleased I am that that is so different now. I love you dearly. I love that you're just so blunt with me and you don't sugarcoat things. In 2012 I hope we have more road trips, more dinners together and much much much more talk and going out.
- Kim. We've been with each other a long time. A very long time. One of the hardest things this year has been how little I've been able to talk to you. I miss you all the time. I miss when we would just sit up and talk and then it'd be 3am and we'd be all 'wtf! how did that happen?!'. I know a lot has happened for you this year and I just know that 2012 will be millions better. My goal is to get you living right next door to me one day! It will happen!
- Mark. Oh Mark. Seriously, this year, I'm surprised we've both not had mental breakdowns. I know I'm difficult and when I get in to one of my moods I can be impossible, but you're just as bad MacDonald! I hope this year is about realisations and growth for you, it's what'll lead to happiness I think. Thank you for everything this year, especially with MMBTW. I don't know what 2012 will bring, but lets make another film, yeah?

I have many hopes and dreams for 2012, but above all I hope I find contentment within myself because living with a storm inside my heart is really not working for me right now. Being the subsitute person is really not working for me. (Watch Elizabethtown to understand that reference).

My goals are many, but getting the feature film written and out in to the open is at the top of the list.

life, vilte, kim, goals, mark, omc, sue, film, friends

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