Edie's cabaret is now in the past. It was nerve-wracking, fun, successful, frustrating, exhilarating, a MAJOR pain in the ass...and I'd do it again in a heartbeat....only better.
Both nights were sold out, which means we'll meet our financial goals. I haven't heard what donations we got over that, but that's pure gravy.
designerotter and his friend Bonnie were in attendance Saturday night, and they enjoyed themselves thoroughly, despite the fact that Edie, Todd, Keith and I all managed to drop at least one line of lyrics in our solo numbers. Such are the hazards of a live show (This also puts me in awe of how those kids on "American Idol" can put on flawless performances week after week, after being introduced to a song only days before.). Sunday night went far smoother, although my mike kept cutting out (Fortunately, my teeny voice carries well), and I managed to drop a different lyric in my solo number. AAaaugh! Sunday's crowd started off a bit more subdued that Saturday's, but they warmed up during the second act...especially this one woman who would NOT shut up after her third Heineken.
This morning I can't stop "Poisoning Pigeons in the Park" from running through my head. Thanks, Bob.
Plans are already in the works for next year's cabaret with Edie. Should be a good time!