Monsoon season

Aug 18, 2007 21:05

I'm coming to the conclusion that late August is southern Wisconsin's "rainy season", and it has hit again.

While June and July were incredibly dry, August has had at least one major rainfall each week. Now, I'm not talking about tornado-producing storms, though there has been some good cracks of thunder now and again; I'm talking some major soaks. The local rivers are as high, if not higher than I remember them this past spring. This current storm, however, is particularly troubling.

Due to the past rains, the ground is currently saturated and the new rain has nowhere to go...except into our basements. Today, it's been raining off and on since about 9:30 - Not hard, mind you, but these intermittent showers are starting to pile up, and the cracks in my basement are starting to show. Worse, forecasts expect this to go on into tomorrow morning....and into the week. Seems there's a stationary front that's running from west to east, so the storms just slide along it like trains, and we're directly in the path.

Naturally, this occurs when I'm preoccupied with a major project at work, and so asking for time off to mop up my basement won't be much of an option. Unfortunately, since Edie's Cabaret is also nipping at our heels, any time I spend on a wet basement detracts from that.

It's times like this I wish I was renting again. Condo ownership looks attractive, too.
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