Post Cabaret

Mar 04, 2007 23:55

Well, my voice is utterly trashed, now, but it held up just long enough to get through tonight's show, and that's what counts.

Tonight's crowd was just a tad larger than last night's and more lively. I was pleasantly pleased to see that some had joined in the spirit of the evening and showed up in their own western gear, something decidedly missing from last night.

The topper, however, was the unexpected appearance of designerotter! After repeatedly apologizing for a schedule conflict with a show he's designed, they let him off for good behaviour and we was able to attend the show tonight. Joseph praised our efforts, was utterly enthusiastic about Ms.Edie (and who isn't?), and even liked our cardboard sets (!). Who knows? We may find that we've inspired a whole new style of set design.

I also noticed that the over-sized brandy snifter used for collecting donations held more envelopes and checks than last night. This is a very good sign. I'll be interested to see what our final tally is for this event.


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