Well, it's a sad day for Stargate Atlantis fans:
cancellation news I'm going to miss it. As much as I ranted about the writing, the show was blessed with a great cast and directorial crew, and has been my fun Friday night turn-off-the-brain-and-grab-the-popcorn show for more than three years. I really enjoyed watching for scenes with secondary characters like Dr. Zelenka and Major Lorne, both of whom rock beyond the telling. As did Teyla, who was not technically a secondary character but might as well have been.
The show has also been the inspiration for by far the most vital and enjoyable fanfic community I've ever run across. Hopefully that will stay strong for years to come, as there are some great writers out there turning out excellent work.
If it had to be cancelled after this season I must admit that the timing was perfect, with the news hitting in the wake of the episode where they airlocked Dr. Weir after having her played by an actress other than Torri Higginson. Karma's a bitch, Mallozzi.