Phrase of the YEAR 2008!

Sep 24, 2008 07:30

It's supposed to be in Russian. Once I have a keyboard,I will post it:

We are sitting in the park  in Ecazu and discussing sex problems with my  Ukranian girlfriend from Israel:).. I'm with a sigarete that day.

What means blow job in Russian?     ( She doesn't know English)
( we were discussing some sexual questions)
Me, smoking a sigarette, thoughtfully:
-hmmmmm.....  how it is supposed  tobe in Russian: ah yes! I remember! 
a po russki  - eto budet       huy v rot!  ( I'm sorry, I forgot   a word minnet)

obe lezhim pod stolom ot smeha!!!!!:)


Israel joke:
She was standing on the bus stop in Israel late at night waiting for the bus to come:
The car stops in front of her and somebody in hebrew is asking about driving her home:) and she politely refuses to accept that offer in hebrew as well. Then the guy is asking in Russian:  a kak eto budet po russki:
Ona otvechaet:
A po russki eto budet , a ne poshel by ty na huy! :)

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