Apr 13, 2009 18:58

 It has come to my attention that you've been posting rude, angry and morally-damaging blog entries about my friend. I do not know what she did to you or whatever but insulting her publicly and misjudging her is totally not the way to express it.

You have no right to discriminate her. Yes, I've read and fine, you're a racist (and sue you for $4 billion dollahs, kfine). Whatever floats your boat. However, there are other people who might read your blog and think otherwise. After all, this is the WWW, people can have access to anything. Imagine if Jasmine's parents saw what you posted. How would you feel? Put yourself in her shoes, how would you feel? Do you want to be ostracized too?

I don't want to let you off this easy. I certainly do not want to pass up the opportunity to stand up and let you know that what you are doing is very disrespectful and immature. Sure, we poke fun at people and stuff but the thing is, at the end of the day, it's all just a big joke or for fun between real friends. It's easy for us to do that because we've earned each other's respect and trust.

And for someone she doesn't know, it's a little tough.

Watch what you post whether here or in your blog or wherever. If you want to be respected by others, you must show them that you're worth it.
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