It started as another picspam, but turned into more of a fangirlish list of nonsense.
And I admit, I posted it a while ago with the intention of continuing it with male counterparts, but haven't gotten around to it yet.
I was planning on posting that one tomorrow, so I'm just re-doing this one.
+ Okay, so, this list was ridiculously hard. I didn't include honorable mentions just because there far too many to even consider.
10. Dark!Willow (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Dark Willow: There's no one in the world with the power to stop me now.
I have a thing for villains, and characters with just a little bit of bad in them. I think Dark Willow can be considered a character completely seperate from Willow, despite them technically being the same person of course, and that's probably one of the main reasons I enjoyed her so much. I also think, for me anyways, Willow becoming a Big Bad that was even more ~diabolical than Warren, Andrew, and Jonathan really put an ironic twist on things. But I think the main reason why I have a soft spot for her is, of course, that the whole "skin Warren" and "destroy the world" thing was just her grief over Tara. I mean, to go on a magical murder rampage because the person you love is killed? It's completely evil and romantic at the same time, which is why I absolutely love Willow in all forms.
09. Veronica Mars (Veronica Mars)
Veronica: I used to think I knew what tore our family apart. Now I'm sure I don't. But I promise this: I will find out what really happened, and I will bring this family back together again. I'm sorry, is that mushy? Well, you know what they say. Veronica Mars, she's a marshmallow.
The sarcasm! The cuteness! The brains!
I think Veronica Mars was one of the best television series that ended way too soon (nice work on that one, cw), and Veronica's character is probably one of the most unique, well-written, and well-acted character that I've seen in a long time. The reason I loved Veronica is probably because even though she fought back with words and wit, she was still human. She wasn't completely hardened by everything bad that had happened in her life, and that, I think, along with the whole "super awesome private eye" thing, is why she's one of my all time favorites.
08. Rose Tyler (Doctor Who)
Rose: Planet Earth. This is where I was born. And this is where I died. For the first nineteen years of my life, nothing happened. Nothing at all. Not ever. And then I met a man called The Doctor. A man who could change his face. And he took me away from home in his magical machine. He showed me the whole of time and space. I thought it would never end. That's what I thought.
The funny thing about Rose, is that I can't even really figure out why she's one of my favorites. She's my favorite of the Doctor's companions by far, and I think, though I could be wrong, it's because of her heart. That sounds cheesy, but hear me out. Rose is such an open character. She cared for people before she met the Doctor and even more afterwards. She wasn't afraid to laugh or to cry pr stand up for what she believed was right, and was just a truely lovely, funny, every-day-kind-of-person character that you couldn't help but relate to.
07. Michelle Richardson (Skins)
Michelle: No! Tell me like you'd die for me! Like nothing else matters, like your world stops turning because of me! Like you mean it, you little shit! Go on.
Oh, Michelle. She gave so much love to the people around her, namely Tony, and still had to put up with everyone's bullshit. I think in a way, Michelle could never really win. If she ignored whatever was happening around her, she'd get hurt, and when she tried to step away and find her own happiness, it screwed things up for everyone else. I think Michelle was always overshadowed by what was going on with the other characters, so it was especially heartbreaking to get those little glimpses of her struggling with life. while everyone else was worrying about themselves. She was, in my opinion, the most real and relatable character on the show, and seriously does not get enough love from the fans.
06. Maria DeLuca (Roswell)
Maria: The guy with the gun was kind of like a, like a muscular Beavis. And the other one was like a, like a beefy Butthead.
I love Maria because she kind of started out as the typical comic-relief-best-friend and was all ~AH! ALIENS~ but really grew in the three years that the show was on the air. I think at times, she really outshone characters like Liz and Isabel, and was actually one of the strongest of the gang and really held everyone together through all the drama.
05. Winnifred 'Fred' Burkle (Angel)
Fred: Handsome man, saved me from the monsters.
Oh, Fred. I wish I could put her higher on the list, but I'll have to settle with just the top five, even though she's one of my more favorite favorites. She was such a sweetheart, and did not deserve to be taken out by a time warping psychopath demon. I must have cried for days. Introducing reason #436 why the fifth season of Angel sucked like nobody's business.
04. Rory Gilmore (Gilmore Girls)
N/A: Seriously, picking just one quote from the Gilmore Girls is impossible, and I simply won't do it.
It was hard to pick my favorite gal from the Gilmore Girls, but I have to go with Rory. Is it pathetic to admit that a fictional character was your role model for seven years? But seriously, she had everything. She was smart, gorgeous, funny, and was planning her future from the womb. Who wouldn't want to have their life together like that?
03. Cordelia Chase (Angel)
Cordelia: He's so sweet! He says all I have to do is let him impregnate me with his demon master's seed, and I've got the part!
The reason I only associate Cordy with Angel is because I can barely remember her in Buffy. I didn't like her or dislike her. She was just an after thought - an "Oh, was Cordelia in that episode? I hadn't noticed" kind of character. So when I saw that she was going to be all ~main character~ in Angel, I wasn't too enthused. But watching her go from being just another shallow high school girl to being all about saving the world was such an amazing turn around, and from that point onwards I absolutely loved her. Again, I'd like to kick Joss Whedon for ruining Cordelia and killing off all of my favorite characters too soon. See reason #436 again.
02. Pam Beesly (The Office)
Pam: Hey, I want to say something. I've been trying to be more honest lately and I just need to say a few things. I did the coal walk! Just, I did it. Michael, you couldn't even do that. Maybe I should be your boss. Wow, I feel really good right now. Why didn't any of you come to my art show? I invited all of you. That really sucked. It's like sometimes, some of you act like I don't even exist. Jim, I called off my wedding because of you. And now we're not even friends. And things are just like weird between us, and that sucks. And I miss you. You were my best friend before you went to Stamford. And I really miss you. I shouldn't have been with Roy, and there were a lot of reasons to call off my wedding. But the truth is, I didn't care about any of those reasons until I met you. And now you're with someone else and that's fine. It's...whatever. That's not what I'm...I'm not...okay, my feet really hurt. The thing that I'm just trying to say to you, Jim, and to everyone else in the circle, I guess, is that I miss having fun with you. Just you, not everyone in the circle. Okay, I am gonna go walk in the water now. Yeah, it's a good day.
Pam!Pam!Pam! Pam-a-lama-ding-dong. Pamchops. P-aaaaaa-m-oooooo-laaaaaa!
Reasons I freaking love Pam...
Oh, who am I kidding. There's too many to list.
01. Effy Stonem (Skins)
Effy: Sometimes I think I was born know, come out my mum the wrong way. I hear words go past me backwards. The people I should love, I hate, and the people I hate...
Um, where do I even start? Never has there been a better example of a character that's so completely screwed up, but in a completely perfect way. Kaya is stunning and such a talented actress, and should anyone else have played Effy, I'm absolutely certain that I wouldn't feel the same away about the character. She's an outsider, but you know there's a heart in there somewhere. It's great to see her in her own element now that the old cast is gone, so Effy is an even more striking, incredible character than she was before.