Apr 15, 2004 17:54
Bruck looks through the backlog of questions that piled up while he was in outer space with Xanatos, tracking down a bunch of smugglers who tried to steal the contents of their speeder. It took longer than expected, but eventually, they got them…
How do you handle confrontations? Bruck frowns at it for a second before writing down his answer.
Very well, if you mean not running away by that. I won’t try to talk with any offenders for long. They either back down soon enough or I’ll let my weapons speak for me. Usually. As everyone can tell you, there are times when it’s better not to draw the attention to yourself. Then I will be more patient with them, but as a Jedi rogue, there are also methods I have of overthrowing or even killing an offender without it catching everyone’s immediate attention.
As Xanatos can no doubt tell you, I also don’t care who the offender is or who’s dumb enough to challenge me to the point of fighting. I will stand my man, I will fight to defend myself - even if you are a friend. The only time I ever turned my back to a fight was when I confronted Xanatos about the holo-vid of me and the two hookers. I stormed out in the middle of it, but only because I was afraid I’d have to kill him if the fight went on for much longer.
I don’t do everyone that favour.
Muse: Bruck Chun
Fandom: Star Wars (Prequels; Jedi Apprentice books)
Word Count: 247