Feb 26, 2004 15:47
Tombstones? Right. I don’t know when I saw a tombstone for the last time. It’s more common to burn the remnants of a body. Or shoot them into a sun. At least that’s the way it is here on Telos, where I come from after all.
Should there be anything left of me when I die, and should I not get blown into ten thousand pieces or another death like that, I’m certain someone will burn me. If there’s someone left to care for me. Depending on when I die, there might be a ceremony for me. When it happens after I took Offworld over, I’m sure there’ll be one. Remembering me and what I’ve done for the wealth of Telos and other worlds.
I only know what won’t happen to me. I won’t become one with the Force, neither the Light nor the Dark side. I’m neither Jedi nor Sith, so both of those doors are closed for me.
So I guess the only left of me will live in the memory of the people and in the records of Telos.
Character: Bruck Chun
Fandom: Star Wars Prequels
Word Count: 182