Is It Bad That I'm Looking Forward To The End Of The Break?... Prolly

Jan 02, 2007 17:55

so I'm kinda looking forward to the end of the break. NOT because I want classes to start, but cause I just need something to do. This break has been kinda a wash for me. I had a bunch of things that I wanted to figure out before this break was over (like what the hell I'm gonna do this summer) but none of them got done. I did tackle the huge piles of paper sitting on my floor in my room. see at the end of every year I'll take my notes and think "there is prolly a few things in here that I should hold onto in case I need to refer to them next year... but I don't feel like sorting through it all right now, I'll so it later." and then I don't get around to it and before I know it I'm adding another year's worth of paper to the pile. but I dug up a handful of old binders and a bunch of dividers and got to work. All my stuff from this semester was easy enough cause 1/2 of it was already in a binder and I just had to put the rest in with it. Then I did both semesters of 1st year and found that there was still a ton of paper to get though. it turned out that all of my grade 12 notes were sitting on the floor too, so I got those together and stuck them in binders. I finally had all the paper off my floor, which is really nice cause it took up a patch about 3-4 feet wide by like 8 feet long. It was ridiculous! and now its like my room is 1/3 bigger! so I guess I accomplished something, but I really wanted to get myself some direction and figure out where I'm going (both literally {ie: if I'm stuck living at home this summer[I hope not]}and metaphorically {ie: career path etc})(was that enough abuse of the bracket for you? hahaha)I just don't know where to start. Whenever I ask somebody else about this sorta thing they always say the same thing: "well what do you want to do?" or "well what are you interested in?" which are perfectly reasonable things to say but really not that helpful if I can't answer them. you see my problem? I'm trying to make a decision based on personal choices that I haven't yet made! which is like trying to calc pi when you don't know how to divide or learning to drive a car without first understanding the wheel... okay maybe that's a little too dramatic but you get the idea, right?
now, what was my point... oh yeah
so the break is almost over. I'm pumped for provs and that should be good times, despite the last minute change in our roster. I'm actually playing well for once and feeling good about our chances of doing really well. I'm not really thinking that the odds of us winning the whole thing are that good, but as long as we do good I can at least be satisfied that this year wasn't a total waste.
and I'm just kinda hoping to get back to the more regular swing of things. I was starting to get used to how things were working out before x-mas and hopefully things won't change a whole lot (but if things get better I'm all for that too!) I think next semester will be a little more of a challenge than the last one, and that's not good cause I just barely stopped my GPA's slide. All my classes started at 10am which wasn't too bad but this semester I have all 8:30s... now its not just my fault that I have a hard time waking up (well it kinda is, but there are circumstances surrounding it) see I usually get stuck with at least one 9:15pm game every week so that means that I'm not home until sometime after midnight (so in bed by 1am if I don't get distracted). then there are the nights where I'm over at Val and Vanessa's place (usually 3-5 a week... I almost live there lol) and I usually leave there around midnight but its about a 35-40min walk home so its usually after 1am when I finally hit the hay. now when I can sleep in until like 9 its not too bad (but then it kinda sucks cause I then have to retrace my steps for 30mins of the previous night's walk home to get to class! that's the biggest kick in the pants) so losing another 1.5 hours of sleep is gonna blow! but I'm done before noon on tues/thurs and 2:30pm on mon/wed so I expect I'll be taking a lot of naps! haha
okay I think I've killed just about all the time I can by writing this so I'm off. have a good one!

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