Don't You Love Exams... I Don't: The Season Finale

Dec 16, 2006 16:39

Here's the score:

Bruce:62 Accounting Exam: 28

It was an interesting match out there today ladies and gentlemen! Team Bruce was worried that not enough studying had been done and was instead mostly relying on knowledge that was obtained through out the semester to pull Team Bruce through in this match up. Team Bruce surprised the exam by skipping the multiple choice component at first as he went right into the main questions. He powered through the second and third sections with very little trouble. The exam regrouped and really started swinging in the final section with some elaborate long answer questions. Team Bruce was doing really well at handling them at first until the boredom of answering very similar questions started to set in. The answers got shorter and shorter on each question, but its was hoped that the main points were included. When team Bruce returned to the multiple choice 17 of the 20 questions were easily answered. 3 of them posed a challenge that left Team Bruce scratching his head. however, those questions were only worth 0.5 marks each so there wasn't too much worry about them.

This was Team Bruce's final match of the season. Thanks for tuning in to livejournal sports and being a part of our show. So signing off for the last time, Have a good one!

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