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Jan 29, 2012 23:54

I ended up buying UFC Personal Trainer for the Kinect. I've actually worked out every day since I bought it so thats 6 days so far. This is not common for me at all. It's sad that a video game and X-Box achievements are what is finally getting to get me to do legit exercise.

After the first day I used it, I was hurting the next day. Haha. Thankfully the more I do it, thats not happening as much now that my body isn't like "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!?!?!"

Started a thirty day weight cut program on the game. 3 days down so far and I think 20 more to go. There are off days every now and then. There are exercises on this thing that I never even heard of before.

I'm gonna go buy some weights soon too to start doing the weight training stuff in the game. Might start a diet soon too if I can find something that works for a picky eater like myself. I'm 220 pounds right now and I would like to at least get down to 200 at some point this year.

Besides all this, this week has been so damn boring. I didn't do much except watch tv, exercise, drive, and cook. Haha. Didn't help that the UFC event this week was insanely boring too. Oh well hopefully this week will be better. Now it's time to watch the Royal Rumble. Then maybe Moneyball if I'm not tired.
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