Conditional Iterations of "is" and "was" in Üqoi

Aug 15, 2012 14:02

Üqoi employs different forms of "is" and "was" depending on whether the subject is sentient (zhoonai), animal (vuuzet), or thing (pus'q'abi). Examples:

Vlohuu dhmuuzhoonai. = He is a father.
Tsequo dhuuvuuzet. = It is a bird.
Dlöömeq dhuupus'q'abi. = It is a cup.

Vlohuu kthaazhoonai. = He was a father.
Tsequo kaavuuzet. = It was a bird.
Dlöömeq kaapus'q'abi. = It was a cup.

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via ljapp, conlangs Üqoi

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