Title: An Easy Smile
Series: brotherhood/manga
Word Count: 247
Rating: PG
Characters: Kain Fuery, Mustang's team
Summary: Kain takes a moment to be grateful
Warnings: none
Author's Note: I always thought, with Fuery's constant adorableness, that maybe his life wasn't always sunshine, and that he actually had some dark history that is never mentioned.
Written for
fma_fic_contest prompt 95 "Family"
Kain Fuery was hardly a child, but he was so inquisitive about his electronics and always had a smile on his face, that it was hard for them to remember he was in his twenties, and even easier to forget the darkness in his past.
His older brother had served in the military before him, taking his own life in Ishbal days before he was to be sent home. Once Kain had joined the same military that had been the driving force in his brother’s death, his parents refused to talk to him. But Kain hadn’t let that turn him into a bitter man, it made him appreciate everything for what it was worth. How else could he have made amends with his familial situation, if he did not make the best of it?
As he looked around the office Kain observed the people who now made up his family. From the annoying brothers he saw in Havoc and Breda, to the mature and protective brother he found in Falman, to the little brothers who still needed guidance with the Elric’s. Kain also saw a type of parental guidance in the Colonel and Lieutenant Hawkeye.
He had a family now. Even if he were ranked lower than everyone in the room, he still felt that they would always protect one another, the way only family is wont to do. He always found it easy to smile when it came to keeping their sprits up if they needed him to.