(no subject)

Aug 24, 2004 00:47

Hey everybody,

Sorry I've been so bad about keeping up with the LJs. I've only had my computer back from the shop for a day and most of that time I've been trying to get my files reloaded onto it.

Today sucked! My body is broken down beyond belief. Tonight in practice, we spent a fair amount of time on baskets and pyramids. One of the pyramids we worked on was a 1-1-1 pyramid (one girl standing on my shoulders with her right foot in a hitch to my right hand and all her weight on her left foot on my left shoulder with another girl standing on her thigh that I have raised in the air). Usually we stick 'em although they are very difficult in large part because of who I have flying on me. Well tonight after dropping it twice already and having just done 60 push-ups and 50 crunches in punishment for letting the stunts drop, we tried it again for probably the 10th or 12th time. Well this time, things didn't work out so well... The whole stunt went to absolute crap and both girls ended up falling right on top of me. While I did manage to at least slow the fall of one of the girls while other people grabbed her, the top flyer fell DIRECTLY on my head. When her left butt check made forceful impact with my head I heard EVERY vertebrae in my entire back pop, caught a shoe to the face, and then saw quick flashes of white and black. I cannot explain to you how strange and increbiably stiff my back is right now. I can only turn my head 45 degrees to either side without intense pain and stiffness. While my back does concern me a little bit, I'm not terribly concerned with it b/c I really don't think that I've got a concussion or that I've done anything serious to my back. What does concern me is the MASSIVE skid mark across my forehead from the shoe impact. I have a half inch wide raspberry right between my eyebrows. (For those of you who don't know, a raspberry is similar to a strawberry but without the deep tissue bruising. It just causes the shallow blood vessels in the skin to break and causes a bruise.)IT LOOKS LIKE I HAVE A FREAK'N UNIBROW! Even after all that, 5mins later Edwin, Dylan, and I had to throw nearly every flyer on the squad in their respective basket skills for probably another 45mins to an hour. My body is going to hurt SO BAD in the morning!

To make matters worse, as of today the cheerleaders are second-class atheltes in the Athletic Dept b/c from now on we are only allowed to seek medical treatment from the Training Room from 8am to 9am. Obviously, they are too busy or not interested enough to treat our injuries or problems b/c we aren't good enough for them. When I found this out tonight, I was SO MAD! Apparently, the stupid volleyball players with blisters on their toes are so much more important than our girls who have been playing through sprained ankles, herniated disks, torn and/or pulled muscles, and joint and legiment problems. Ask any doctor or health insurance provider and they will tell you that cheerleading is one of the most injury prone sports out there. Our girls get hurt more frequently and with longer recovery times than any other sport. Geez, why on earth would we need any kind of medical attention?! Not only can we only get treated during a one hour block a day, but they don't even provide us with a team trainer or have a trainer sit in on our practices, like every other varsity sport on campus (INCLUDING GOLF!). If the golf, cross country, and tennis teams get full rights to the Training Room and are provided with someone to treat and address injuries in every practice, why the hell shouldn't we be given the same?!?!
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