I haven't suffered total brain death or anything. And I've got a couple of weeks off from dentistry, since UW is between quarters right now. I hope to put this to good use.
Some setting thoughts, and some mechanical ones.
Setting first. I believe I'm going to ask players to provide me with some NPCs and locales. That worked well when I ran D&D, and y'all are inventive loonies, if nothing else. I'm particularly hoping things that will draw on stuff you like but your character doesn't, so as to broaden out the world in ways besides connections to characters.
I should get an RPOL thread set up this week, once I settle on a title.
Mechanics...I admit it. I'm having fresh thoughts about taking the Mage mechanics as input to HeroQuest 2nd edition. Part of this is looking at Charles Green's really excellent
Nameless Streets, HeroQuest doing paranormal noir in Portland, OR. Part of is just being repeatedly aware of my cognitive limits at the moment, and reflecting on how much I'd rather talk about worlds than rules. Players who don't have HeroQuest, please ping me on the side in e-mail or whatever; players who do, look it over and think about how it might feel to adapt one of the Awakened to it. I will, hopefully later today but more likely tomorrow, take a stab at turning some of the pregenerated characters into HQ versions myself.
This is not me making a decision. This is me noting that there is a decision to make, and what concerns me.
I do note that HeroQuest doesn't currently have a diceless option, and I don't want to hack one out right now. But it does so much so congenially to me that I'd be fine working with RPOL, IRC, and other dicerolling means for it.