funny conversation

Jun 09, 2006 00:29

xbrixbbhx: are you mexican?
xbrixbbhx: ¿?¿?
TriplePlayerNo6: hahahaha no
TriplePlayerNo6: duh
xbrixbbhx: i thought you were
TriplePlayerNo6: ,y mom is black and my dad is white
xbrixbbhx: lol
xbrixbbhx: there for yopu would be a mexican
TriplePlayerNo6: u already new that
xbrixbbhx: wheat thin
xbrixbbhx: hahaha
xbrixbbhx: i'm just joking
TriplePlayerNo6: uh no
xbrixbbhx: do you like mexican cheese?
TriplePlayerNo6: ?
xbrixbbhx: if you answer yes to this question you can consider yourself mexican mouse
xbrixbbhx: jsut stay away fromthose traps cause boy i tellyou what they are pretty tricky little baggers
xbrixbbhx: and they hurt your tail like hell
xbrixbbhx: but if you get some ky jelly the pain will go away
TriplePlayerNo6: are u in a good mood today
xbrixbbhx: like omg totally yes
xbrixbbhx: lololololololoolo
TriplePlayerNo6: y
TriplePlayerNo6: lol
xbrixbbhx: i dunno i think i will blame it all on grape juice this morning
xbrixbbhx: salsa and chips and the quaint craving for some white CHEESE from casa fiesta.i love .............can you guess?
TriplePlayerNo6: cheese?
xbrixbbhx: uhm now that 6-6-6 is over with i can use the number 6 all i want today
xbrixbbhx: so you are wrong
xbrixbbhx: i would like 6 days completely and totally alone with mitchell and 6 bars of that white CHEESE with 6 seconds staring at the 6 bars of cheese and wondering if i should want 6 more for mitchell or are we sharing because i really love this cheese i mean call me selfish 6 timesif you wish but i still will be in love with mitch
TriplePlayerNo6: cheese
xbrixbbhx: mexican cheese
xbrixbbhx: [pause] or is it my dog nacho and taco i love so much the world may never know how much i hate that TJ TACKETT bcuz he stole my cheese
xbrixbbhx: and therefore i am now eatnig cheese with mitchell and we will live cheesily for the rest of our lives
xbrixbbhx: btw this was writtne and edited by yours truly hayleigh bianca alexandra BLACK
xbrixbbhx: not hobbs
TriplePlayerNo6: I NEW IT!
xbrixbbhx: l;lol
xbrixbbhx: we both of us most hayleigh
xbrixbbhx: well*
xbrixbbhx: all hayleigh
xbrixbbhx: bri
xbrixbbhx: is trying to take this so everyone thinks she is COOLER
TriplePlayerNo6: lol
TriplePlayerNo6: brianna never talks that much
xbrixbbhx: yesh she does
xbrixbbhx: btw this is her on speed watch out
xbrixbbhx: ahha
xbrixbbhx: no lol
xbrixbbhx: this is sorta brianna but hayleigh too
TriplePlayerNo6: lol
xbrixbbhx: hayleigh wrote this: who cares brianna
xbrixbbhx: you are nothing but a bannan a ghost anyway
TriplePlayerNo6: so its hayleibri
xbrixbbhx: hayleianna or just or brianna laughing in hayleighs ears while she is sitting in brianna lap blocking her from the hilarious conversation on the computer screen that smells like cheese which inspired this conversation because brianna got wild with some cheese this morning
TriplePlayerNo6: hahaha
xbrixbbhx: and hayleugh is now out of breath from all the hilarious voices and such she has used to help her in this typing massacre
xbrixbbhx: and so the cheese is dead blame it on brianna she is the brutal killer in this specicfic novel of DIE CHEESE I AM A MEXICAN MOUSE
TriplePlayerNo6: blahahaha
TriplePlayerNo6: coming saturday?
xbrixbbhx: so the story i'm afraid my friend is coming to a short lived end the mouse died and he died with the candlestick in the stircase choking on cheese
TriplePlayerNo6: my mom wanted both of u to come
xbrixbbhx: well brianna is of course going but i have to work
TriplePlayerNo6: blahhhh duck the cheese
xbrixbbhx: bow and light your candle for the souls of the cheese because this gurl who is apparentally friends of briannas has something to do with this catholic mass messenging
xbrixbbhx: and i told her i'm straIGHT PENTECOSTAL WE SPEAK IN TONGUES NOT BOW TO MARY
TriplePlayerNo6: i must eat balonka cheese
TriplePlayerNo6: CHEESES
TriplePlayerNo6: (in an english accent)
xbrixbbhx: no it was mexican and you know it
TriplePlayerNo6: what about french
xbrixbbhx: a hint of sarcasm i suppose is now coming through this wringed out old mexican voice and husky french woman in the background saying i'm tired hunny i have had enough quit talking to the chees
xbrixbbhx: e
TriplePlayerNo6: before the old mexican ran through the halls screaming"I LOVE CRANBERRIES"
TriplePlayerNo6: and then
xbrixbbhx: haha
xbrixbbhx: not quite as funny as my story but if you like choclate chips cookies inpesonatinga fudge cookie then you will enjoy my scrumtious ash tasting cookies that i burnt to a crisp because i was telling you about the mexican mouse and his adventure with[in a whispering voice]...cheese.

TriplePlayerNo6: um
TriplePlayerNo6: cackadoodledoo
TriplePlayerNo6: cock*
TriplePlayerNo6: haha
xbrixbbhx: no thankyou
xbrixbbhx: i'm a gay virgin and my name is mikel
xbrixbbhx: in a quite frutiy cokctail voice
xbrixbbhx: i love hotdogs
xbrixbbhx: only with chilli
xbrixbbhx: with some sredded CHEEESE
xbrixbbhx: witha cherry on top
xbrixbbhx: and a very good ice cream sandwhich hehehe on the side
TriplePlayerNo6: nasty
TriplePlayerNo6: lol
TriplePlayerNo6: cherry on top of cheese
xbrixbbhx: no my dear friend yummy
xbrixbbhx: scratch the gay virgin part
xbrixbbhx: i'm straight like tweedledeeandtweedledum
xbrixbbhx: then laughs in a goofy laught huhHEHUHHE
TriplePlayerNo6: are u suuUUUUUUUUrrrrrEEEE
TriplePlayerNo6: lol
xbrixbbhx: yes totally....well only jeremy roberts could explain that one "what is gay"but i'm sure not even he himself would know...
xbrixbbhx: see you would have to be gay to love him
xbrixbbhx: he only loves gay lovers
xbrixbbhx: girls on the side with a cup of tea to match
xbrixbbhx: i dumped him and his nasty @$$ (eww)he was a weirdo anyway
xbrixbbhx: i'm so good at ryhming mother goose would be proud
TriplePlayerNo6: chocolate is good
xbrixbbhx: or doctor suess
TriplePlayerNo6: what about charly
xbrixbbhx: and the choclate factory he was quite suicidal and psychotic don't you think
xbrixbbhx: with his nightmares about elm street meets the dentist
xbrixbbhx: everyone needs to have good oral hygiene and that is what we learned today class
TriplePlayerNo6: lol
xbrixbbhx: lol
xbrixbbhx: but i might want to get this hotdog smelling choclate chip cookie looking like a fudge cookie out of the house]
xbrixbbhx: it's quite smelly
TriplePlayerNo6: oh very
xbrixbbhx: i'll talk to you another time in space
TriplePlayerNo6: okiedokie locks
TriplePlayerNo6: gldy locks
TriplePlayerNo6: woooowowowowowoakehe
xbrixbbhx: yeah
TriplePlayerNo6: uuuuhhhhhhhchoooooooooooooo

******* btw no offense to anyone gay this was alot of inside jokes**********
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