Aug 15, 2005 21:46
ok so yesterday sucked and zach you kno half of it...well to make it short and sweet.i got beat up by malik(my nephew)...who also cut me with some scissors!!!uhm....attacked by a great dane.saved maliks every finger slashed by a cable.returned a great dane to it's home.hung some chelz's kids upside my hand scratched up.starbucks(the cat i found) ran away.i took a plastic sword away from malik after he poked me in the eye.uhm fell asleep on the front lawn.jason called me to bug me at like 10:30 last night.uhm my dad threatened to steel rap music and ban it from our was to long and drawn out.i ate some rasberry italian sorbet from bitched for dating "wilbur"(that is what they call wen).got gawked at by like 4 weird guys at jessica's apartment in lexington as i swam in her pool.i hate weird men .ewwwwww.i need a sign that says:look at me with the glare that "i'm peeling ur clothes off with my eyes" and u'll get ur ass kicked for free.hahhaha (aaron's idea).but my days are filled with too much to even discuss.btw to top off my days i've been reminded of when i got back i called his cell and got some pissed off guy who told me his name was grace kelly hahhaha and wilbur left his phone at his house and would be back i simply asked if he would tell him i called.<3 there's ur update winy butt...<3 meow
love always,
hayleigh bianca