Apr 14, 2005 16:46
ok... been a while... ill start with last friday
friday: so... ive never done a suprise party before... but that changed thanks to jens 18ness
saturday: poker... it was good until daniel and nick left... "YOU POISONED IT!"
sunday: grilled up some hella good chicken at peckham park, then played some dominoes... we need to do both of those more often
moday (worst day of my life): my computer breaks... we have some mexicans working all over the house... so tv and drumming is a no-no... i dont have a car...
then i stop by popeyes on my way to psat class... order my food... oh crap! wheres my wallet... oh well... ill just get out of line. NOT!... stupid drive thru took 20 minutes to get through _after_ i realised i lost my wallet
then psat class was gay... how long before they realise they're not funny...
and i lost my hat at psat class
tuesday: so... ive never done a suprise party before... but that changed thanks to pattys 17ness
wednesday didnt exist
today: no school suckers! we got gipped... 2-2-1, 2-2-1...