Aug 17, 2002 01:10
3: What would you do if you could go back and perfect yourself? What would you change? How would your decisions differ from the ones you made? What if you could change yourself, re-create yourself, make yourself a perfect person, interior, exterior, even both, whichever you choose, you be the judge. What if everyone could do this? What if everyone on our planet was perfect, nothing wrong with them, never sad , never angry, what would our world be like? It makes you wonder, just how worse it would be to sit around and waste away our lives even more than most of us do already, we would sit, completely un-emotional, completely dumb to everything around us, no one would be different from the next. Where would we be with technology today? Where would the human race have gone in the artistic sense if we were numb to our own feelings? Never regret, for this is what regret will lead back to, these same kind of longing thoughts that in the end aren't even worth it. Nothing will change that you did in the past, only look to the future to improve upon yourself however possible, for if you regret your life will only wither away faster, and be much more painful than it needs to be. We can all make this world more of what we think of as "perfect" but sit around and thinking in the past is NOT one of the ways to do it, think about it for awhile, hopefully you will come up with answers to your life's major questions, maybe you will come to find some peace in what I say, maybe you will realize the small things that never even grazed your thoughts before, maybe, just maybe, you will help in everyone's never-ending conquest to be happy…