"You Should Be Stronger Than Me"

May 11, 2009 12:32

Hello LJ world!

Not too much is going on with me. Just working and trying to make it in my new surroundings. I have to be careful that I don't slip back into the mode of life I had in Alabama. I'm living in the city now and should act as such. I need some companions to go corousing with and stir up some mess.

Work is fine, making a bit more money. It's funny how restaurant-goers are the same here as they are at home. I know that how that sounds, but it's true.

I've been here for a month and 4 weeks. Seems like longer and yet it doesn't.

My story is up next in my writer's group! I'm both nervous and excited. I'm lucky/blessed that I'm in a group that's this serious and knows what it's talking about, I really think that some if not most of us will be published one day.

As I was saying in my reply to Jessica's post, moving here has taught me so much, much more than I would have learned had I stayed in Alabama. Renting apartments via online, parallel parking (still working on this one), liscence plates, parking passes, finding your way around, public transportation, jobs, budgeting. Whew! Even when I lived on my own back home it wasn't anything compared to this.

Also, I've developed a plan to meet/marry Wentworth Miller. Become a screenwriter, write a movie/tv show in which he is starring, make up an excuse that I need/want this role to be perfect for him and need to spend some personal time with him, have hot crazy sex and get married the next day. How does that sound?

Peace. Out.
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