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May 05, 2009 09:42

Yes Means Yes at Pegasus Downtown
Visions of Female Sexual Power & A World Without Rape
Saturday, May 9, 2009
7:30pm - 9:30pm
Pegasus Downtown
2349 Shattuck Ave.
Berkeley, CA

Come celebrate YES MEANS YES!

YES MEANS YES is a groundbreaking new look at rape, edited by writer and activist Jaclyn Friedman and Feministing.com founder Jessica Valenti. Through the anthology, we’re trying to move beyond “no means no” to connect the dots between the shaming and co-option of female sexuality in our culture(s) and some of the ways rape is allowed and encouraged to function.

At this event you'll hear from and get to talk with Friedman, plus fantastic contributors Lisa Jervis, Leah Lakshmi Piepzna Samarasinha and Julia Serano.


“An illuminating and inspiring exploration of the relationship between valuing female sexual pleasure and putting an end to rape. This is a book that could change the world.”
- Jean Kilbourne, author of Can’t Buy My Love, So Sexy So Soon, and the creator of the film series Killing Us Softly

“Yes Means Yes is a welcome and much needed resource to help all of us both value and respect female sexuality while eradicating a rape culture.”
- Aishah Shahidah Simmons, producer/writer/director, NO! The Rape Documentary

“A fresh, vibrant collection that imagines a world without rape for ALL women-not just those who are white, middle-class, straight, thin, and able-bodied.”
- Carmen Van Kerckhove, founder and publisher of Racialicious.com

“Yes Means Yes reminds me of why I came to call myself a feminist. It’s unapologetic, politically astute, and affirming of women and our sexualities. These gutsy writers analyze with passion their experiences of incest, racial stereotypes, and sex work, and they dare us to imagine a world where we’re safe and empowered.”
- Daisy Hernandez, coeditor Colonize This! Women of Color on Today’s Feminism
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