Apr 06, 2009 12:06
Call for Visual Art Entries: El Mundo Zurdo Art Exhibit
cross posted from Hermana, Resist
Call for Visual Art Entries: El Mundo Zurdo Art Exhibit
Exhibition: Friday, May 1, 2009 - TBA
Opening Reception: Sat. May 16, 2009
Location: Esperanza Peace and Justice Center
922 San Pedro, San Antonio, Texas, 78212
The Society for the Study of Gloria E. Anzaldúa (SSGA), Women’s Studies Institute at the University of Texas at San Antonio, and the Esperanza Peace and Justice Center is pleased to announce the first international conference and art exhibition on the work and life of
Gloria E. Anzaldúa.
In “La Prieta,” Gloria Anzaldúa states that “by changing ourselves we change the world, that traveling El Mundo Zurdo path is the path of a two-way movement-a going deep into the world, a simultaneous recreation of the self and a reconstruction of society”.
Artists selected to participate in the El Mundo Zurdo exhibit are those whose work begins with the self, with their own identities, histories, experiences, and ways of relating to the world and who simultaneously “go deep into the world” with a vision for justice and social change.
We are seeking to house art that embraces the thoughts and questions that Anzaldúa opened up for us during her lifetime and that continue to inform and inspire us today on the fifth anniversary of her passing. The exhibit is an opportunity to continue these conversations and expand the space for dialogue within the broader community.
We welcome work that explores the following suggested concepts of Anzaldúa’s life and work:
Borderlands, Queer Identity, Sexuality, Education, International and Transfrontera Experience, Spirituality, Border Crossing, Meztizaje, Nepantla, “Mita’ y Mita’, Spiritual and Physical Wellness, The Geo-Physical Border, “Being a bridge”.
We are looking for artwork that is politically charged, aesthetically innovative, and that addresses one or more of the above-mentioned topics. Also of interest is work that depicts the intersection of these concepts through non-traditional art mediums, technology, music, creative writing, and new media.
We welcome artwork not normally displayed in a traditional gallery setting. There are no fees for entries. A committee will jury selections.
Please note the following timeline:
* Photographs of original works may be submitted digitally via e-mail or in print via snail mail. Original pieces may also be mailed or hand delivered. Deadline for entry submissions is Friday, April 17th, 2009. Please submit entries via:
-Snail Mail: Eric Cavazos 223 W. Norwood Ct., San Antonio, TX 78212
-Hand delivery: The Esperanza 922 San Pedro, San Antonio, TX 78212