May 05, 2005 00:15
Today was the last day of classes for my freshman year. I actually made it ladies and gents :)
It started off great, and ended great as well. That middle part was even great too. Didn't do anything in my 3 classes besides turn in 2 papers, watch a movie, eat dunkin donuts, critique classes and of course say, "Have a Good Summer!!" I still find that weird.
To celebrate our accomplishments, Lauren and I got manicures (well, she got a pedicure). I haven't done that in so long, because I only get around to it about twice a year. But I should go more, it's fun :)
Then it was time to wake up Mr. Confused Sleep Schedule. We had dinner with almost everyone, haven't done that in a while either, then saw "A Lot Like Love." It was eh. Seemed kind of long to me, but it was certainly cute.
After saying goodnight, I came back here and stretched. Felt so good :) That's the third thing in this entry I haven't done in a while. There's nothing like turning up the music and stretching. I'm considering retraining my splits just for the hell of it, but every time I try I just get lazy. Oh well, at least I can talk about it. I think I missed my calling as a jazz dancer, and I wish I knew a little more technique. But messing around with it is always fun, and of course Erin has come to just ignore me when my feet start to move. I'm going to have to train Ginny next year :).
I think I'm gonna go to bed early because Tim and I are going tie shopping tomorrow...Oooooooooh booooooooy!! Hehe.