Hetalia wolves complete collection so far

May 08, 2009 15:59

The used dog races here are:
Ludwig = German Sheperd
Feliciano = Volpino Italiano
Kiku = KaiKen
Roderich = Austrian Black and Tan Hound

Again, they are wolves but inspired by dog races which originate in the country (or not XD).

US/Alfred: Labrador
Canada/Matthew: Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever
Russia/Ivan: A little Samojede, but mainly wonderful sibirian wolf.. He doesn't need much additionally, Just a great white fur color.
China/Wang Yao: Chinese Crested Dog
England/Arthur: English Cocker Spaniel
France/Francis: Braque français

Suggestions for other charas welcome.

The inspiring dog breeds:

Prussia: Prussia/Gilbert, the fawned albino bitch.

Yeah, you read correct: Bitch. Because that self-centred, self-loving, over-manly bastard cost me a lot of nerves making him. I had 5, I repeat, FIVE base sketches (three on PC, the two other on paper), but he never wanted to be created. Finally we could find a compromise about him being created by making a sixth sketch that hopefully brings out his overgrown ego. I messed up the perspective play, sorry for that, but at least I could finish him.
But what do I expect of a guy, who calls himself “Your highest Holiness”…..

What so ever, here he is and I refuse to change him. No dog race used, because he didn’t like any.

Hungary: Mudi. It's really interesting to see how much bigger long fur can make a body than the actual hairless one is. Her "naked" sketch was so much smaller XD.
Yeah, I usually do a ground sketch with a naked animal to get the anatomy right before I "hair" them.

Estonia: Estonian Hound

Ukraine: South-russian Owtscharka.
The breed and its pony are the reason why I broke my rule to never ever give wolves a human "hair style".

Belarus: Russian Laika. I am so sorry for her strange look, but I did my best to change it and just made it worse O left it how it came out the first time. She still looks creepy.

Latvia: No race. Unfortunality someone from Latvia told me too late that they actual have a breed originating there: The Latvian Half-Wolf.

Poland: Chart Polski

Lithuania: Lithuanian Hound


Mother Africa:

ATTENTION: This is a wolf with a design inspired by an African Wild Dog, not an African Wild Dog itself !!!!

Because I belong to those who believe that the cradle of human kind lays in Africa. There is so far no African chara in APH except Egypt, but I thought if the great cultures of the History are mentioned as charas (Roma, Germaine, old Greece, old Egypt and such), then why not an old mother, our old and wise and kind hearted mother Africa. And because it had to suit into the whole, she is wolfynized, too, despite not having a human form yet.


This is the wolfynized form of the personification of the city Hamburg, which is located in Germany and my home town XDD
Szme drew her human version. You will know her from the "Love Sick" fanfic.

Oh and to the picture, Hamburg is a harbor city, though not directly located at an ocean. It's known for the river Elbe (in the BG), the old land with it's fruit trees (the apple tree) and for all that comes with fish (obviously the fish in her mouth).
She must adore Seychelles for her fishing abilities XDDDDD
And excuse the VERY VERY BAD shadows on the ground and the wolf. They are supposed to be shadows from the tree, but look like simple dots.


South Italy/Lovino and Spain/Antonio: The inspiring dog-breed for Lovino is the same as for his brother Feliciano: The Volpino Italiano. For Antonio I used the Cao da Serra da Estrela.

Finland/Tino and Sweden/Berwald: Dog breeds of inspiration were the Finnish Spitz and the Jämthund. Gosh how I love that dog breed.
Anyway, I almost forgot their sweet little Hana-tamago. *looks at berwalds design* *lays face into hands* I will never be able to draw or paint him again.

Denmark and Norway: The Danish Boarhound (great dane?) and the Lundehund (english name is?). Yesh, the Lundehind has 6 toes, that's why I gave Norway also six XD Geez, again two designs I can't ever draw again

Greece/Heracles and Turkey/Sadiq:
Even as wolves they fight the whole time. I guess they need it, like Feli needs his pasta

And no worries, I would say, this is mainly play fight...they are males after all, you know, showing off and stuff *wants to use a certain term, but does not, since children are also reading this*

Their colors were inspired by the Greek dog-breed Alopekis and the Turkish Deltari ilir....or was it the Kagal?
To be honest, I don`t remember anymore
Stupid me XD

Special: Gilbert's first appearance as an alpha (or better country), where little Hamburg saw him the first time.

Inspired by the "Sanctuary!" score of the Humpback of Notre Dame.

Little MSN sketch color toned with OC

Taiwan, Hong Kong and Korea: Taiwan Dog, just slightly Shar Pei and the Jindo. Nothing much to say, except that I love how Taiwan came out. And that I got at least a little of Korea's cheerfulness and Hong Kong's mysteria.

Swiss/Vash and his little sister Liechtenstein: St. Bernard for both of them. And yes, their tails are cut short. Equal to the hair cut scene X3 Dedicated to Laphy on dA , thanks for your help, dear X3

Cuba and Seychelles: Basenji and the Havanese. Yay for smoking wolves *drop* Dedicated to Setsu-sama on dA, thanks for your help X3

Egypt/Gupta Muhammad and Belgium: The Egyptian wolf itself and the Belgian Shepherd.
The fabric around Egypt neck is a kind of cape he can pull of his head. It's also sad the the ribbon of Belgium's head band is on the other side...btw, she curled around Egypt's hind legs. The last two of a long series of APH charas ^^ Following are the specials, like Grandpa Rome, Germania etc. (Chibitalia and HRE included) XD

Sealand/Peter and Iceland: Iceland Dog inspired me for Iceland. Peter is just a normal wolf pup. He is cute like he is and don't need any special dog races to inspire his design XDDD  YAY, perspective fail, Oh I am so great at failing lately. Btw, I don't pair them up. They just played like an adult wolf plays with the pack pups and well, let's say I caught them off guard. Iceland is not amused.

Greece and Japan cuddling....

Following are the specials, like Grandpa Rome, Germania etc. (Chibitalia and HRE included) XD

Thanks to all people, who gave me a suggestion for a dog breed *huggles*

Comissions for Hetalia wolves open.
I decided to open my commissions for the Hetalia wolves here.
I am sure, it won't be as wanted as if a good human artist offered them, but I try none the less. XD
I would make requests but time and money is rare for me, so I can just do it as that.

You can ask for:
- a hetalia country to be wolfynized if it isn't by now
- a city to be wolfynized (like hamburg)
- any of the existing wolfynized charas you want to see in any kind of scene (and genre?)

My prices are very low and please consider that I have to change it from $ to €, which means, I loose some money.
Pay- Method is Paypal. Contact me either on dA or with an email to trades.nishi@yahoo.de
The prices and rules are the same as in my journal.


(Feel free to purchase other kind of arts, too XDD)

france, ludwig, dog, livejournal, giftart, estonia, canada, belarus, tragedy, natalya, america, italy, prussia, finland, feliks, lithuania, denmark, africa, china, feliciano, hungary, hetalia, eduard, latvia, heart, hamburg, elizaveta, north italy, austria, gilbert, england, poland, norway, germany

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