Mood Theme Challenge Round 3
This Week's Moods
Artistic - exhibiting taste, discriminating judgment or sensitivity
Cranky - ill-tempered, grouchy, cross
Hungry - having a desire, craving, or need for food
Refreshed - [for refresh] - to provide new vigor or energy by rest, food, etc.
+ You may use any pictures of Emily you like!
+ Please submit one set, containing one each of the four moods.
+ Each mood must be 110x65, exactly!
+ Please save the moods in .png format!
+ Please do not put borders on your images.
+ No animation, heavy brushes, text, or tiny text, but you may use any coloring, gradients, etc. that you like!
Helpful Galleries
Emily Browning Online[if you know of any others, please let me know]
Deadline: Wednesday, September 23rd at 10:00 am, EST
Sets: 1