(no subject)

Feb 09, 2005 16:11

holy shit, such a good day!! why do I love school so much eh? loooserrr.

homeroom: well we had mass today for Ash Wednesday so went there. sat with AJ and Nathan and had Stephan laying in my lap the whole time hah. the boys behind me were soo hilarious singing all the prayers. umm it was the most boring thing ever though. brother bob like put the ashes on my head and hurt me he's like *angry voice* DO NOT SIN! *suddenly calm voice* ..and be faithful to the church. I was like woahh. hm then got yelled at on my way out for talking lol because we were supposed to be in silence. ehh. borrowed Nathan's cooool watch for a bit.

bible: Justin keeps saying me and Loren look like twins just to piss us off lol so the whole class theyr both staring at me debating. got to watch the boys play bible trivia because no1 else volunterered. Robby even quit and sat with me woo. hah Mark and this other kid like dominated the game. they knew everything! so weird.

personal fitness: took the test. for the rest of the time I talked to Robby, Justin and Daniel. -pimppp- hah but we talked about like fights and crap. got to wore Robby's enormous watch =) it's hot though. I love it lol Justin's gotten like jumped and shit before so he told me about his experiences. soo scary lol

lunch: sat with Kendall, Berta, Rachael, Jules and peopleee and finally met Erica! (myspace buddy hah) talked about how Kendall likes mean boys and had a few laughs with my lovely. hmm I forget what was said. but we laughed alot, as always. and I was focused on the video playing of the eagle olympics from last year =) the boys cheerleading was hilarious, can't wait for this yr lol

history: MARSHALL iS A GiRLiE MANNN!!!

math: did my english hw and read part of a book on Bob Marley hah. semi-payed attention.

after school: hung out with Derek for like 2 minutes and then had to go to my meeting =( but Nathannnn!! was there so got to hanggg with him lol. the meeting ended at 3:15 instead of 3:30 so we walked around and I got pizza =) fat-assss. then hung out at the front with Nathan, Devin *she is too hot. I want youuu<3 everytime I see her I like drop pizza out of my mouth haha<3*, Natalie, Maria and Brittany. fun stufff. then went to blockbuster and got the Notebook!!<33
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