Welcome World

Sep 21, 2009 21:39


Tonight I was named Brownie Bear by the Brownie pack run by my friend elenopa. They all made me very welcome as I took my promise and became an official Brownie teddy.


Here we are at the beginning of the ceremony. 

 My buddy twisted me round before I looked in the pool.

And then I took my promise before Brown Owl ( elenopa)

Now I have my own promise badge on my sash,

along with the name tape of our pack,

the guide centenary badge,

a badge that was made to celebrate the 30th birthday of the pack in 2001,

and the county's centenary badge.

I also have a Union Flag badge on the sleeve of my t-shirt. This is because I am going to be traveling the world for the next year.  The Girl Guides are celebrating 100 years next year, and as part of that there is a special badge that all Rainbows, Brownies, Guides, Rangers and Leaders can work for. It is the Adventure 100 badge, and one of the challenges is to visit 100 places during the year.

As the Brownies can't manage that much (they have to go to school), I am going to travel instead. I hope to make lots of new friends, see loads of fantastic sights, and collect lots of badges for my sash.

If anyone out there would like me to visit them, please contact my friend elenopa, as she is arranging all my travel arrangements.

centenary, girl guides, england, welcome, brownies

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