Overall, it's been a nice week. Thanksgiving went well, and god knows I needed some time to catch up on sleep and all that jazz. Still, I feel so weird knowing the entire break's over. Like it went on forever (which it obviously didn't), but ended so quickly (which it certainly did) at the same time.
I don't know. I think I ate something weird for dinner. It was Greek, a veggie gyro, and I have that sick feeling like I'm drowning in a hot sea of onion-scented death. Plus it's hot as hell in here x.x I'd slide on out of this big, fat, blue sweatshirt, but there's nothing underneath. And my sister's in the room. Plus typing topless is creepy business.
Jesus, I just suddenly got so tired... Tonight's a weird night. I'd better not be getting sick : \
Ah, I'm just going to post these crazy memes that I did a little earlier today and be off to watch the Matrix.
Now neo, I knew our child would be attractive, but damn...
G0d, or Wh0re? You decide.
t'would seem Katie pines for me just as I pine for her ;)
This made me laugh so hard.... The Scotsman.....
OMFQ ITS TRUE!!111111111111!!!!!1!1!!!!!!
o.0000 my weapon is "cunning" ? Let's hope that means I'm a thief. Thieves fscking rawk hardxxxcore.