We now have a new baby girl! Mirella Anne Mathavorn was born at 7:37 PM today (1/16). She was 5 lb 8 oz, and 19 and a half inches long. For a preemie that's 5 weeks too early, she's pretty huge.
Long story short, there was a tear in Mira's amniotic sac. Christina's water broke at work and we ended up going to the doctor. Apparently, the tear was probably caused by a bacterial infection and, if left untreated, Mira would have been at risk for getting infected too. So we ended up inducing labor. For 5 hours, nothing was dilating. Christina's dad, her stepmom, and I went to get dinner and, when we got back, there was a hideous banshee wail from the bowels of the seventh layer of hell coming out of Christina's birthing room. Somehow, she had managed to get from 0 cm to 6 cm in half an hour - the usual timeline is a crapload of time for 4 cm, and then 1 cm an hour after that. After getting kicked out of the room twice while the epidural was getting shot into her spine, Christina decided she was ready to push. We surrounded her as she reluctantly put her hands behind her knees. A pregnant pause (no pun intended). A few awkward glances. Then Christina pushed once and, in a small explosion of fluid and blood, Mira was born.
Mira's mostly okay. Her lungs aren't strong enough to breathe on her own yet. She'll probably be here at the hospital for 2 more weeks to get stronger.
As Christina's step brother said, Mira has my face, Christina's chin, and Mick Jagger's lips. She also has my feet, hands, and blood type. She has Christina's "ear bumps" and buff thighs.
Don't take my word on it.
See for yourself.