Apr 24, 2009 18:01
That's what she said...
- 22:24 Made steak w/ rosemary + basil, salad w/ spinach, cucs, green peppers, avacado, strawberries, almonds + rasberry walnut vin. 4 dinner. NOM #
- 22:25 Borders and movie date with Cecily. Haunting in Conneticut just gauranteed nightmares for a few weeks. #
- 10:03 @ anrapa nope! Just wandered the fruit and veggie aisle grabbing whatever sounded good haha. My mom was so proud I cooked lol #
- 11:42 @ FakeBrownie I hate you guys....and I'm an idiot. #
- 11:43 I have a love/hate relationship with coffee. Mmmm coffee breath and heartburn...I LOVE YOU CAFFEINE #
- 13:03 if I had a nickel for every time Novak said or thought, "I can't believe I'm friends with you." I could prolly quit my job. #
- 13:04 @ pearcen_uk there isn't much bacon can do wrong... #
- 13:05 @ JosephNovak or The Office. I am basically incapable of an original thought. #
- 14:58 hello weekend, are you here yet? *bats eyelashes* #
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